We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam. And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it -- Afghanistan or Iraq -- we owe our military men and women unconditional support
This would sound fine if it were not for the fact that Blumenthal never served in Vietnam. In fact, it appears he received at least five deferments from the draft. Why would anyone say something like this? What I think Blumenthal is suffering from is a bad case of Martha Coakley syndrome. Here's how it goes. Polls show a Democratic senate candidate running extremely well against their Republican opponent in a very liberal state. They become extremely cocky, making extremely wrong and damaging comments that sink their polls numbers and their campaign. Martha Coakley claimed Curt Shilling is a Yankee fan. Blumenthal claimed he was a veteran. Sadly, these two comments will probably turn out to be equally inflammatory.
Will this comment turn out to be as damaging as some of Coakley's gaffes during the 2010 special election? We don't know yet, but it is certain Blumenthal is far too cocky at such an early stage of the election season.
It's simple - HE'S A LIAR.