- Oklahoma law that requires women to get a trans-vaginal sonogram prior to an abortion, an incredibly invasive procedure that has no medical merit, makes it incredibly difficult to continue the abortion after seeing an image of the fetus, and allows doctors to legally withhold information about womens' options.
- The recent Arizona law that requires all citizens to carry identification that confirms their citizenship, allows police to question the citizenship of any citizen that could be an illegal immigrant, and makes being in the state illegally a state crime.
- The Arizona law that requires all candidates running for president to present to the government a birth certificate.
What all of these policies have in common is their lack of any good policy. The Oklahoma law restricts abortion through unnecessary procedures, which is a direct violation of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. The Arizona immigration bill legalizes racial profiling and damages the economy, as most of their substantial tourist industry is supported by Mexico. Finally, the Arizona law that requires candidates to prove birth in the United States is a direct swipe at Pres. Obama.
These laws are all problematic because they are completely detrimental to their constituents. They pander to the right wing base, who are unfortunately the most likely to vote in these states. As the political participation in this country declines, prepare to see more and more dangerous bills such as these.