My name is Will Bedford-Sutro and I'm a Massachusetts native going to school at the University of Vermont in Burlington. I am currently working towards an undergraduate degree in environmental policy with a minor in political science. I grew up in Massachusetts, Bangladesh, and Thailand. This blog is a product of my intense interest in politics and a desire to share my opinions on current events with anyone who cares to listen. If asked about my political orientation, I would reply that in the United States I am a liberal, in Europe I could be considered a conservative. I share many core values of the American liberal; universal healthcare, increased public education funding, creating a new "green" economy, and expanded public transportation. Internationally I am a protectionist and a non-interventionist.
Finally to the title of the blog. So often in America, it feels like Berlin before the wall came down. The two sides seem to be trying so hard to get to the same place on opposite sides of the city, though they only have the map to their half. In this blog, I will focus especially on bipartisanship because I feel that it is crucial to any healthy democracy and is a principle that many of our leaders fail to possess.
I hope you enjoy this blog. If you need to contact me, please send an email to
I love Sara Guaglione.
I love Sara Guaglione.