Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why is anybody even paying attention to these guys?

For those of you who don't know, the Tea Party is the grassroots movement that seeks to restore fiscal responsibility and lower taxes to America that started on tax day last year. They have dominated the headlines based on their appearances at the health-care oriented town hall meetings and protesting the bill that emerged from congress. They have been further enshrined by the "liberal media" as the core opposition to Obama's agenda. I won't discuss this movement that much on this blog, because I think they are the same forces that have formed the core of American conservadom for over 50 years. Take their founder, Dale Robertson:

I really hope I don't have to add anything else here.


  1. Because it isn't about what actually matters, its about what sounds good and makes the most drama.

  2. Wow, that is really ignorant. I think you did a really good job here depicting the Tea Party Movement.

  3. Do these people honestly think that others will take them seriously?! This is an embarrassment...

  4. hey!
    its great ur making a political blog, im really impressed! its interesting reading about american politics and the health care scandal by someone who's in the us right now, because from over here, it all sounds so confusing, not to mention crazy. There's palin, fox news, the o reilly factor, 'family values', death panels...what kind of world do these people live in? why are people so against something that is so obviously in their interest?
    Got to go, but ill check ur blog again soon!
    keep in touch,
    raphy xx
    btw, do u noe the young turks? (from youtube) what do u think of them?
