Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is John McCain doing?

"I never considered myself a maverick," says John McCain, a man who declared himself a maverick during the 2008 elections. This was well before he acquired a conservative primary challenger, J.D. Hayworth, who has convinced McCain to claim he would vote against an immigration reform bill he coauthored in 2005 with Ted Kennedy among other flip flops. This has forced him to move from one of the moderate voices in the senate GOP to one of the most extreme critics of the Obama administration. His desire to change his persona from one of a maverick to one of a right wing voter is so great that he even enlisted Sarah Palin to campaign for his reelection in Arizona last month. This kind of flip flopping is more insidious than the John Kerry flip flopping on the Iraq war or Olympia Snowe on health-care, this is a flip flop of your entire political philosophy. Stop insulting the voters, John, and tell them who you truly are.

1 comment:

  1. He is on record of calling himself a "maverick." Trouble is this once POW and hero is now merely a shadow.
