Sunday, April 11, 2010

START up your brain, Fox News

This is good news. President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signing the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) in Prague several weeks ago. The policy sets new limits on the number of nuclear warheads that can be kept by both countries. The entire country should be happy to see us take a step towards a nuclear-free world.

Republicans who are criticizing this are honestly only doing so for political positioning. The first START treaty, as many remember, was first proposed by Ronald Reagan five months before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now for the fun stuff. John Stewart has a good segment making fun of Fox News's criticism of the treaty. This treaty will still allow us the amount of nuclear weapons to destroy the world several times over. It will still allow us to attack countries not party to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (yes, Iran and North Korea). It is not that radical. Fox News should stop whining about having a president getting something done.

And guess who doesn't think we have the votes in the senate for this one. Surprise surprise!

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