Thursday, April 29, 2010

This vaccination will cost you two chickens

You know Harry Reid is in trouble for reelection when he trails challengers like Nevada GOP chairman Sue Lowden. Harry Reid is best known for passing the health bill through the senate in December. His plan relies on state exchanges for people to purchase insurance. Sue Lowden's plan relies on.. chickens? Here is the quote.

Before we all started having healthcare, in the olden days, our grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor. I’m not backing down from that system.
Now I'm no expert in health economics but I think this plan has serious flaws. First, most of the chicken farms are located in the South. Where does this leave the rest of the country? Second, does this mean that health insurance companies will be required to maintain healthy populations of poultry? Maybe they'll relocate the Medicare administration to a farmhouse. Thank you again, Republicans, for providing entertainers like Stephen Colbert with endless ammunition.

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